Father And Son's Relationship Analysis

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Ethical crisis of marital relationship O’Neill reveals the strong impressions and emerged the images of the father and the mother especially in his family plays. The father seems like a compelling character as a unique influence on other character, and as one of important forces that shape the course of the play itself, so the major influence, in O 'Neill’s plays, is the father as a central character. Although there are many similarities in father’s role but O’Neill portrays much antagonism and conflict between the father and his children or father and mother. Father has many similar personal characteristics, attitudes, functions and relationships with his family even if he is in tragic situations. So family plays manifest an aggressive and rebellious impulse against the father who often submits an affirmative impulse toward his family. ‘O’Neill seems to have a personal desire to work out his feelings of hostility and to understand his need to escape from the dominating influence, from the awe and the overwhelming admiration for his father, James O’Neill’(Weissman,1957: 436). O’Neill uses the strong character of father to assist the plotting of his plays who has a very definite relationship to his family. Meanwhile, “mother is considered as a problematic a question, as the nature of existence. Recently theoretical discussions, concerning with the nature of language and its relationship to gender, indicate that the representation of woman is always