Father Azmendiarrieta Charisma Leadership Traits

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‘Charisma is a compelling leadership quality, It makes people want to be led by a person’ (DuBrin 2013 page 73) and undoubtedly it was evident that Howard Schultz was a very charismatic leader (https://prezi.com/lpdp_ufikivh/leadership-style-of-howard-schultz/). Charisma is very effective because it works to create a linkage between those being led and the leader therefore charisma could be considered a matter of perspective (DuBrin 2013 page 73). This would explain why Howard Schultz would’ve been both admired and loathed throughout his career as no leader can always maintain a popular stance with everyone. Leaders are said to have vision and charismatic leaders are able to communicate this vision through their own passion and enthusiasm, constructing influence over their followers who then in turn communally assist their leader to achieve …show more content…

They clearly both shared the same traits ostensible to be necessary for effective leadership. They were both charismatic leaders with very similar behaviours which seemed to make it difficult to differentiate the most effective leader. Howard Schultz and Father Arizmendiarrieta engaged in a strong initiating structure behaviour which gave him strength in task related behaviours while also portraying very high relationship oriented behaviour. However, Arizmendiarrieta evidently was able to display a greater deal of relationship oriented behaviour which allowed him to be more capable to support the sophisticated needs of his followers. Leadership traits, attributes and behaviours combined in both Schultz and Arizmendiarrieta created a socialised power motive and a socialised charismatic. This illustrated that both Father Arizmendiarrieta and Howard Schultz had the abilities of a transformation

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