Father Figure In Into The Wild

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A father figure can determine how that child develops, whether that figure could provide a fit influence for the child, show affection and care for that child, or just having a presence in his son’s life will affect how his son will come to be. The father figure shows significance in the biography, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. Krakauer’s novel focuses on the life and travels of Christopher McCandless during the year of 1992. In the novel, Krauker alludes to McCandless’ unstable relationship with his father. “Into the Wild Chris McCandless’ Sister Says He Was Determined to Cut Ties with Parents” from ABC News further delves into McCandless’ problematic relationship with his father, as this article goes in depth into each situation that may …show more content…

Gross’ article states how influential father could be during the development of their child based on how the father treats his child, as well as providing a good influence. These three sources show how a father figure is vital for a young man, as without one, will leave a substantial gap for development. Krauker’s Into the Wild does not solely focus on McCandless’ life as a whole, but rather at the times of his travels, although, fragments of McCandless’ life are found. During McCandless’ childhood, his mother and father were not normally present. McCandless’ sister, Carine, stated how since “Money was tight… Mom and Dad put in incredibly long hours. When Chris and I woke up in the morning to go to school, they’d be in the office working. When we came home in the afternoon, they’d be in the office working. When we went to bed at Night, they’d be in the office working” (Krauker 107). The repetition from Carine shows that both parents would always be putting in work to help the family, but may have worsened the relationship with specifically Walt and Chris McCandless. What may have worsened the relationship between the two was a massive discovery made by McCandless. McCandless discovered this “during his cross-country wanderings.