Fault In Our Stars Thesis

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The book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green delivers an astonishing piece of literature that allows readers to understand that most illnesses are inevitable and can be negative to one’s life. However, it should not stop an individual from pursuing on with their life and embracing it. Such understanding is developed within the reader by showing different circumstances characters in the story go through where one gives their life meaning.
To start, cancer patients in the novel encounter many challenges throughout their life as they fight the disease yet, they still strive for success. This allows readers to know that if one sets their mind to a specific goal and puts in the effort, one will be able to achieve it. The author demonstrates this when Hazel goes to see Anne Frank’s house and notices that there is …show more content…

The blackness encroached around my field of vision as I pulled myself up, eighteen steps, steep as hell” (Green 199). With the courage Hazel builds within herself despite her cancer, she is successful and reaches the top of the Anne Frank House. John Green shows that the path to attaining a goal is not always smooth and, requires a lot of work. Also, it brings awareness to the readers that sometimes one has to put themselves in uncomfortable situations where they develop high levels of stress and fear. However if one lets these things hold them back, they will never be able to achieve their goals. Furthermore, the author allows readers to understand that an illness should not stop an individual from being optimistic. When Augustus tells Hazel that his cancer has returned, Hazel bursts out crying which guides Augustus to say, “ I’ll fight it. I’ll fight it for you. Don’t you worry about me, Hazel Grace. I’m okay. I’ll find a way to hang around, and annoy you for a long time” (Green 215). Augustus develops hope in his life to fight back his illness because of his love