
Fear In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Fear has a way of twisting our views and perceptions of the world around us, making itself a powerful tool for understanding and recovering from incidents. When explaining how fear can create chaos, it must be seen that people experience madness when suspicions arise. The story The Crucible gives the following evidence, “Many suspicions which were to feed the coming madness.” In the story The Crucible many believed that Abigail was correct about everything going on and nobody was fully thinking through what was going on. These allegations were not helping with others' idea of how this was working out and were causing more chaos among the people. The number of times people feed into fear can be seen through history, what has been done, and thinking about …show more content…

The Crucible. As stated previously, this as well shows that people as a whole all get suspicious easily. And when these suspicions occur, some can start to feel fear towards what is going on. It can be seen that fear is always a bad thing and that it only controls us negatively, but this isn’t always the case. According to the article “Team Tony” fear can be helpful, “But there is also a way that fear can serve a valuable purpose, helping us break through the frustration to achieve the life we truly desire. That’s right – if you allow it to, fear can become a tool for finding fulfillment.” This shows that fear teaches us important lessons in life to help us know that it is okay to be afraid and it can bring life to life. Some can always view fear as a negative thing but it is like the phrase “Is the glass half empty or half full?” This puts into perspective is fear always a bad thing or is it always good? Well, the truth is there is a grey space and that is where this lands on the topic of this. Fear can be beneficial but also bad, it can control our perspectives on life and how we decide to live our

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