Federal Government: Similarities And Differences

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Many similarities and differences exists between our state and federal governments, The Federal Government’s foreword states all Federal Government will have total control of justice, safety, and freedom of the entire United States, rather than each state individually.

As the history books states, America was founded on a specific type of government termed federalism, defined as its power is divided between the state (local) governments, and the federal government. Every state has its own Constitution, that is derived from the US Constitution. The State Government oversees the duties described within its Constitution, but shall not disagree with any amendment within the United States Constitution.

The Federal Government Segway into three …show more content…

These members chosen by the President are named Justices. Justices terms are for life, meaning they are a Justice until either 1. Death. 2. Retirement. or 3. Impeachment by the House of Representatives and Conviction by the Senate. Usually, the Judicial Branch is led by the highest court of the state (Supreme Court). The Supreme Courts focus is correcting errors that are made in courts below the Supreme Court, and in cases that must do with the consistency of court rulings in regard to the Constitution. Exactly how the judicial branch is set up varies from state to state, and is determined by the states constitution or the Legislative Branch, depending on the State. Congress is given the power through the Constitution to decide how many justices there are in the Supreme Court, and to create courts below the Supreme Court, to take the easier cases. In almost every state their Congress has established what we call the ‘district courts’, which try many of the federal cases, and Congress has established 13 ‘courts of appeals’, which review the district court cases that are …show more content…

The context of this paragraph will highlight some of the most important command groups tasked with our nations defenses (Chapter 2, Joint Publication 3-27). The Secretary of Defense (SecDef), who exercises direction, control, and authority, is the President’s senior assistant at all matters related to the Department of Defense. As directed by the President of the SecDef, the Commander, United States North Command (CDRUSNORTHCOM), is responsible for conducting military offensive operations within the USNORTHCOM Area of Responsibility by using forces to detect, deter, or defeat enemy intrusion into United States territories. The USNORTHCOM Commander has Combat Command (COCOM) over the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force component commands with a support from the United States Navy component. Deployment and Executive Orders usually establish command relations when active duty forces are attached to the command for Homeland Defense operations. In addition, the National Guard forces may also conduct Homeland Defense operations as state active duty personnel when approved by the SecDef. While USNORTHCOM is primarily responsible for the protection of US sovereign territory, the Commander, United States Pacific Command (CDRPACOM), is responsible for the local population and critical infrastructure of US territories. These territories include the Federated States

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