Fellowship Of The Ring Psychology

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In the Lord of the Rings which is a series of three movies, is filled many psychological relations. The fields of psychology is a big example of those relations. For example, the environmental field would look at how the surroundings affect the fellowship. The behavior of the Hobbits is influenced by their surroundings thus making them a great group to study when talking about the environmental field. Another field that would relate to the series would be developmental which would take a high interest in the development of the Hobbits throughout the movies. The process of innocence to worldly and perspicacious which means a ready insight into and understanding of things. The learn to understand their world outside of the Shire shows a change …show more content…

This is where developmental psychologists would start their study of the characters, but mainly the Hobbits who started of with showing their normal lives before they went on the quest. At one point in their journey Gandalf the Grey falls into the abyss during his battle with the Balrog. The fellowship has many different ways of grieving for his death. Legolas, the elf, and the Hobits are quite with sadness which would be the depression stage. The dwarf, Gimli, is in the anger stage of grief while the lone ranger, Aragorn, accepts it and gets them to start moving. Throughout the movie, the characters show how the ring affects them. The Hobbits, which are known to be naive and simple minded, are able to resist the power of the ring. After the effect of the ring starts to get to Boromir, who lashes at Frodo, he comes to the realization of what he did and regrets it. During the battle, Boromir saves Pippin and Merri but sadly dies in the process. As he lays there with Aragorn he accepts death which is one of the five stages of …show more content…

The development of Gollum from when he was with his brother and how he had schizophrenia is just some of the psychology information in this movie. His schizophrenic ways are really shown as Gollum is trying to get the ring from Frodo and he talks about how he took it from them. Another psychology meaning within Two Towers is the relationship between Aragorn and Arwen. Their relationship is a fine example of the cross-cultural field because while Arwen is immortal, Aragorn isn't and faced with mortality. They also have two different Rites of Passage and because of that Arwen’s father doesn't think they should be together for his daughter will grief when his death day comes. Also in the scene where Merri and Pippin, who see the Ents as a powerful ally, use James-Lange theory of emotion which suggests that emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events to gain their support. They take them to the field where the orcs killed all their brethren and as a result of the horror the Ents grew angry. The when to Isengard to defeat Saruman and gain revenge. Lastly, an example of the social field is the interaction of Gimli and Legolas who have an interesting relationship. They joke around with each other and like to one-up one another what they