Felony Disenfranchisement Is Wrong

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Felony voting: Unjust or rightful justice
As of 2008 over 5.3 million Americans were denied the right to vote due to felony disenfranchisement laws. The United states is among the most punitive nations in the world when it comes to denying the right to vote and this has consequently caused voting rights to be a controversial issue for years now. Disenfranchisement can be linked back to centuries ago, in western countries, felony disenfranchisement can be traced back to ancient greek and roman traditions and was commonly used as a part of the punishment that was put on those convicted of “infamous” crimes and was a part of their civil deaths. Although, many people like myself believe that the limits that are being put on felons …show more content…

This consequently causes their peers to believe that these people should not be given the trust to vote on such widespread, controversial issues. Now, although the people with these concerns make a valid and alarming point they fail to understand that voting not only helps instill a sense of responsibility within prior-felons lives but it also helps with their rehabilitation process as well, targeting the psychological aspect of helping these men and women succeed. Christopher Uggen, professor of sociology and law at the university of Minnesota asserts in the article “Why should felons vote” that “ if those who argue that people with felony convictions shouldn 't be allowed to vote because they are untrustworthy in character . . . should we exclude admitted racists or, taking that argument even further, perhaps people who …show more content…

A viewpoint when it comes to the major controversy of felon rights is often an biased opinion that originates from people as well as parents all alike and it is the argument that they as lawful citizens do not want violent offenders such as rapist, domestic offenders, and killers to be involved in voting whatsoever for the fact that these votes are ultimately determining what 's right or wrong for their country. The aspect that is often ignored and or unrealised in this situation is that violent offenders make up only a portion of those who get charged with felony offenses. According to statistics out of a list of twenty offenses that you can get charged as a felon for, violent crimes lies eighth on the list and even more substantial domestic violence and child abuse falls seventeenth on the list. So is it right to view all offenders the same way and hold limits on all as if they were exactly alike? Peter Dimond, an American economist, criticizes the system of economics that surrounds felons when he claims in the article “Should felons have the right to vote?” that to proceed from this issue “First, we need to recognize that felons aren’t necessarily villains – some may be victims themselves of an unfair judicial system, and even those that aren’t – those that have committed crimes deserving of felon status – should have their voices heard. Those that still pay taxes after being released, but are still on parole or probation, have to lead the life of a normal citizen