Feminism Definition Essay

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A new wave of empowerment has hit women of the west in recent years, it is called feminism. Feminism is a woman’s divine right to be socially, politically, and economically equal with men (Merriam-Webster). The term feminism is contemporary but the argument of gender equality is as old as time. The argument is rooted as far back as the creation of man and women, in the biblical era. In Genesis, Moses, with divine authorship, provides an account of the creation, fall of man, and exile of man. Creation included the heavens, Earth, and all that inhabited it, including man and women. The sinister ways of man created a wedge between humanity and its creator, the LORD our God. However, years later the LORD would provide a savior, Jesus Christ the Messiah. Thought Christ all sins may be forgiven if you repent from your sins. Which creates a new bond and new roles between humanity and the LORD God. Based on Genesis 1-3, women and men are equals created in the …show more content…

In Genesis 3, the serpent creature is introduced into the narrative. The serpent was” ‘more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made'. Not only could the serpent talk, but it [could] reason []- to a degree that [was] convincing to a human” (Baylis 43). After much reasoning, the serpent convinces Eve the LORD has forbidden the tree of knowledge because a fruit from it provides the knowledge that the Lord holds. He tells her it is forbidden because it keeps them from being a threat to God (Baylis 45). “Eve's response is fatal. She divorces her God-given reason from God's word and relies instead on her own limited experience [...] Eve eats and gives to Adam who also eats” (Baylis 45). Thus the sinister ways and disobedience of the human race are born (Baylis