Feminism Definition Essay

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Feminism means a lot of things to many different people. Equality, Ending women violence, and much more but in all reality feminism is all of that. The dictionary defines feminism simply as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes”. And honestly that describes it perfectly. Some people who aren’t feminist believe that feminism is about one gender having a higher power over the opposite gender. But that is completely false. Feminism has come a long way from Individuals believing there needs to be a change to almost everyone believing that there are somethings that are unfair between the sexes. It has developed throughout time and you can see the process through the 3 waves and in the accomplishments by women. There are many women who have impacted the feeling and beliefs of both men and women. And I believe they are what really got the ball of feminism rolling. …show more content…

Just by the work or the accomplishments they have made this women who were just doing what they believed in or what they loved they managed to be a part of something big. For instance, Christine de Pizan who was one of the first women to take a stand in her book Epitre au Dieu (Epistle to the god of love). Or Shirley Chisholm who was the first black congresswoman along with many other things that empowered not only feminist but also black women. What about Eleanor Roosevelt who was a big figure in fighting for women's rights in the workforce.
Or the amazing Sylvia Rivera who fought for feminism but also the LGBTQ community. And Betty Friedan who proved in her novel, The Feminine Mystique that women can do so much more than society says. All of these women and many many more have impacted the way feminism has developed and turned into what it is now and still continue to do so. The women's movement was also started by what these women