Lamb Of God Analysis

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The same is true for any government or organisation that rejects Jesus and His word. Any organisation that rejects the Lamb of God belongs to the devil. Organisations and governments always make many excuses for making laws or policies that are against Jesus and His word. Their reasons for rejecting the Master and His word will not excuse them from the consequences of their actions.

There is one truth many people do not understand, the terms ‘organisation or government’ means a collective of people, it does not relate to the buildings or assets that a certain organisation owns. Things are more spiritual than they are physical. Any law or policy that has been made by a certain organisation or government has been made by a collective of people. …show more content…

People cannot hide behind organisations or governments because God and the devil know everything about them. If you are part of a collective that fights against Jesus and His word, you belong to the devil. You are serving the devil through the laws or policies you have …show more content…

We serve our spiritual masters in different capacities, and we may not be aware that every action we take either harm Jesus or advance His plan of salvation. Any policy or law that fights against the word of God is trying to reverse the gains our kingdom has made in saving the souls of those who are lost in sin.

If any policy or law fights against the word of God, it promotes sinfulness. Sin is any action that fights against the will of God, whatever action it may be. On the other hand, any policy or law that adheres to the word of God is advancing the plan of salvation. Those who are advancing the plan of salvation are good vessels that God would use to liberate those who have been shackled by the devil.

Every action that fights against the word of God has spiritual consequences. Whosoever acts in a manner that fights against the word of God would attract the devil into his life. It does not manner what office you occupy, any action you take will invite demons in your life, and when those demons come, they would destroy you and your