Fight In Beowulf

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In this part of Beowulf, the two monsters are fought. This section is broken up into two parts, the fight against Grendel, and the fight against his mother. Beowulf entered the story just before his fight with Grendel; making the fight his 'big debut' in the poem. But, what was so important about these fights? Why were they fought? Who exactly were the people who fought them? I am going to analyze the who did what, and why. For starters, the who. Obviously, Beowulf is in the fights; the story is about him. He is the son of Ecgtheow, who was a good friend of Hrothgar, as shown in verses 263 and 390*. He is big and strong, a descendant of Sheild, the founder of the Geats, aka the Danes. On the other hand, Grendel and his mother are not good …show more content…

Grendel had attacked Heorot, the Mead-hall, every night for "twelve winters" (147). He murdered many of the thanes. His reason came from his wicked heart, he was just a wicked monster. He heard the joy and happiness in the Mead-Hall, and it made him mad. Trying to stop the mirth, he attacked; causing his run-in with Beowulf. Well, there's Grendel, but what about his mom? After Beowulf wrenches Grendel's arm off, Grendel escapes to his swamp, where he dies. When his mother, Volk-kamma, found out he was dead, she went to avenge him. Even though, her anger was very fierce, she didn't kill many; she only killed one, Æschere or Esher (, Hrothgar's favorite thane and advisor (Ch. 19, line 45-46 and 58). For the thanes, that horror came too soon. That explains Grendel and his mother, but what about Beowulf, why did he come to help to begin with? Many years before the poem started, Ecgtheow was having a fight with some one, who is left unnamed; Hrothgar stepped in and stopped the fighting. As a result, Ecgtheow became beholden to Hrothgar. Since Beowulf was Ecgtheow's son, Beowulf felt like it was his job to go help Hrothgar. So, I hope that clears up a few things. Honour and family brought Beowulf to Hrothgar's aid, while wickedness and revenge brought Grendel and Volk-kamma to Hereot. Their motives are rooted in their pasts and their lineage. Just like today, being born to a certain person meant a certain thing, or a trait was carried down.

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