Figurative Language In A Modest Proposal

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Jonathan Swift is an Irish born British writer who published A Modest Proposal in 1729. He is a satirical author that wrote during the Irish Potato famine and British imperialization of Ireland. Swift makes use of sarcastic diction and explains the rationale and result of his proposal before actually uncovering his plan in order to expose the horrors of British imperialization and force change in the British treatment and rule of the poor citizens of Ireland. Throughout A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift consciously uses sarcastic word choice to depict the dehumanization inflicted on the British. More specifically, he revealed the common perception and viewpoints that the British felt of the Irish. By using words such as, “Bastard Children” and “savage”, he reveals that the poor in Ireland are seen as less than human. He furthers this claim with word …show more content…

Moreover, he tells the problem and the result prior to actually giving his proposal by using statistical information. He writes, “There only remain 120,000 children of poor parents annually born. The question therefore is how this number should be reared and provided for?”. Ironically, Swift quantifies children in order to prove that his solution is logical. He tightens his argument by writing, “There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme that will prevent those voluntary and that horrible practice of women murdering bastard children, alas!”. This reveals his solution in order to provide the reader with the belief that his proposal is actually rational. He evoked a believable “alliance” to make himself relatable to them and show them the flaws of their actions. Swift implicitly tells the British that they must eventually have a change in attitude or they will continue to create social injustice, not only for the Irish but for everyone they come in contact