Figurative Language In Random Jeff By Caly, Emerald, Leigha

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Caly, Emerald, Leigha. Point of View= In chapter one of Random Jeff, it is talking in third person, because it has the words like them, they, him, and her. Diagram= In chapter eleven, Clara put in the Caesar Cipher diagram which decoded the code on the back of a door. Opinion= Random’s Bob’s opinion in chapter eight is that he should have been invited to the wedding. Similar. “I think it would have been cool if Leigha had written in chapter eight,” When he got back, he rushed upstairs to find Jess sitting on the bed like a bump on a log.” Topic= A topic is the main idea of a story. The topic of Random Jeff is his adventures that he went through all his life. Text= The text in Random Jeff is very descriptive and has lots of Figurative Language. …show more content…

An example would be when RJ had the idea to blow up the Empire State Building. Adage= It’s like a figure of speech. In Random Jeff, I think someone should add,”Just keep swimming” in chapter 3 to show that RJ should just keep walking through Egypt. Genre= The Genre of The Adventures of Random Jeff is Fiction. Other examples are: Mystery, Myth, and Non-Fiction. Hyperbole= The hyperbole would be in chapter 8, when Leigha said, “When Jeff finished his 5 minute shower.” Onomatopoeia= In the first chapter, Zeph wrote an onomatopoeia when he said,”Kapowie.” An onomatopoeia is a word that makes an action sound. Thesis= In the Adventures of Random Jeff, we follow the perils and triumphs of a life well lived. Transitions=In chapter two, there is a transition when Emerald says,” Then, he couldn’t find his way off the plane!” A transition word is words like,” Then, Next, After that.” Audience=We are the audience of Random Jeff. We listen to what people have written. Aspect= Random Jeff has many fun and exciting aspects. The way that everyone wrote their own twists on each of the stories shows many different