The novel, “The Book Thief”, written by Markus Zusak shows the nature of human beings and their actions during what was arguably the most catastrophic time in human history, the reign of Nazi Germany. He demonstrates the impact that words have had on the the nation, the world, and a young girl named Liesel Meminger. However, to portray this, he utilizes a narrator which can explain events in a way no other living being can- ‘Death’. Throughout the novel, Death describes the life-changing events that Liesel is forced to undergo, but he highlights how she is able to power through them and achieve an outcome so great. Most of all, he explains how is eventually able to understand the true meaning of words, and how they have the capacity to be so simple, yet unimaginably powerful. After analyzing Liesel’s account of the tragedies she has gone through, he concludes his thoughts by declaring that, “I’m always finding humans at their best and worst, I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both”(Zusak 491). This paradox of being ugly and beautiful at the same time can best be associated with young Liesel Meminger and her struggle …show more content…
Words were present throughout that time in history, and have left an opaque imprint of a scar that will remain for the rest of everyone’s lives, but they have also been the source of kindness and thankfulness that helped some people succeed despite the treachery. In this novel, Liesel is able to use the opposing qualities of words to her advantage and learn the truth of the world. She is initially unable to comprehend the true meaning of words, but at the end of the novel, she fully understands the true significance of words and their impacts. Therefore, the paradox of being ugly and beautiful simultaneously can be applied to Liesel Meminger and her divergent