Figurative Language In The Notorious Jumping Frog Of Calaveras Country

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In “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country” the tone of the narrator’s relationship began on the very first page. The narrator says that he has a “lurking suspicion” that Leonidas W. Smiley is made up and that Wheeler would “bore me to death with some exasperating reminiscence of him as long and as tedious as it should be useless to me” (Twain 1285). The narrator says that Simon Wheeler’s story telling is a “monotonous narrative” with no expressions (Twain 1285). Wheeler tells a Story about a man named Jim Smiley and uses figurative language to portray imagery throughout. Wheelers story applied to the real-life scenario between the narrator and him. The story was about how Smiley wasted his time on Dan’l the frog and how he could jump higher than any other frog could ever do. Just like Wheeler was there with the narrator wasting his time with an unimportant story about a man and a frog. Wheeler, the “hick”, essentially out-smarted a sophisticated man who purely believed of Wheeler’s inability to tell a good story.
The men in “The Luck of Roaring Camp” were initially very happy because instead of death there was life being brought to their rowdy camp. The woman giving birth was named “Cherokee Sal” and she was having trouble with the birth (Harte 1483). So, one of the citizens known as “Kentuck” said “You go in there Stumpy……Go in there, and see what you kin do. You’ve had experience in them things” (Harte 1483). Which shows that the men of the camp