Filipino Culture Essay

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The late Dr. Florentino H. Hornedo a renowned Cultural Historian said in our first day of our class in Social History of the Philippines, “anything that is social is also cultural”. He explained further that in order to study the social history of the people you have to find out its re-groupments and thus falling under the study of culture. I agree on what he said because culture explains the patterns of the organization of a particular society by determining the behaviour, movements and understanding of its people. In this regard, we will be able to know the factors that affect their thinking based on the study about the society where he belongs. For instance the Filipinos were known for their turncoatism, now can we blame them for being like …show more content…

As the Spanish colonization began it is without any doubt that the church played an important role in the pacification of the islands. The Spaniards utilized a particular order what was known as the reduccion. It was an order of resettlement of the Filipinos within the hearing distance of the bell which was utilized by the Spaniards to make the Filipinos follow their order and it also led to the adoption of the Spanish culture. These churches were also built by Filipinos and it also provides reflection about the Filipino mode of thinking. The Filipino mode of thinking is Oriental, and he views things in a holistic manner, meaning there is a unity between the subject and the object. One of the oldest churches in the Philippines, the San Agustin Church located in Intramuros, Manila provides a reflection about the mode of thinking of the Filipinos. For so many years of being under the Spanish colonial rule the question on how did the Filipinos exhibit their talents during the Spanish period? While waiting for the others to come, Dr. Hila told us to observe the facade of the church. In the front door I’ve noticed that the engraved images there are oriental in