Analysis Of The Movie 'Goya In Bordeaux'

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Goya in Bordeaux is a Spanish historical drama film by Carlos Saura that revolves around the life of the Spanish romantic painter and printmaker artist, Francisco Goya. The movie took place in Spain in 1999. The film mainly focuses on how the artist spent the last few years of his life in a voluntary exile in Bordeaux, France with his wife Leocadia and their daughter Rosario between the years 1746-1828. The artist had a reputation for being a liberal, who couldn’t stand the corrupt regime of Ferdinand VII. The film shows a lot of flashbacks of the artist’s life while having a conversation with his daughter that showed the main highlights that occurred during his lifetime as an artist, particularly his discovery of the ways in which he wanted to paint, his lifelong celebration of imagination and his relationship with the Duchess of Alba. Throughout the movie, the mysteries that surround the artist’s life are shown to unveil the dreams and demons that have driven him into exile and are displayed passionately by the artist in his life works. When watching the film, I begun to realize that the director of the movie shows his audience how it is Francisco’s …show more content…

However, as you watch the movie, it becomes clear that Goya had many intellectual flaws of the Romantic Movement. Such as his passion for the Duchess of Alba that haunted him for the rest of his life. I also realized that his deep desire for holding onto the past kept him from living in the present. What the artist needed to understand is the implication that he survived a deadly disease, not understanding this implication meant that he is possessed by fear and longing which is what showed in scenes where the Duchess of Alba would appear and he would lose himself. The fact that he was possessed by fear and longing, is what made his work so