Standing in the Shadows of Motown is an incredible documentary that tells the overlooked stories behind the Motown sound created by the infamous Funk Brothers. Reminiscing on the days in Studio A where a group of friends made guitar licks and ear- catching melodies that are still recognizable to this day. It shows music becoming a voice for peace in times of chaos, confusion, and hate. The Motown sound broke rules and traditions of what used to be called a groove and transformed it. This rebellious trend opened up so many doors for more creative styles and textures to flourish. I believe this film’s purpose is to highlight the people and talent behind the music that left their mark on the industry forever. The film begins by listing all the …show more content…
They protected each other like family and expressed how they were just making music, and color was not an issue on either side. This attitude helped transform America drastically. (s) Charles Abraham: Charles Abraham: On more occasions than not, the band was treated fairly. The men and women expressed their negative and positive encounters with salary. Some nightclub owners would try to overcharge them and the Funk Brothers had to show their guns, literally, to show how serious they were about their careers and providing for their families. Sometimes the band worked triple over time without real breaks and I would say that was pretty unfair. Not much creativity is left after constant recording in the same location for hours upon hours. I loved hearing all the late night stories and shenanigans they got into. It was funny to hear them talk about hiding out in a funeral home after recording for seven days straight. On the other hand, listening to the interviews of Benny Benjamin’s overdose touched me because of the raw talent he had and then lost. For someone so good to be taken away from what he loves by addiction is one of the saddest