
Together By Destiny Film Analysis

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Just by looking at the image, it shows the emotion of the main characters how deep their love with each other. The image of the main characters wherein John is the one who embrace Savannah that gives the viewer a hint that he will protect and give all his best for the love of his life. “Torn apart by fate. Bound together by hope” means that even if the fate set them apart the hope is still there that they will see each other again and gives them the reason to live and face all the struggles in life. The ocean symbolize the hope of John that they will end up with each other even the destiny is not favorable to them.

The cover catch the attention of the reader because of the calm surroundings where you will notice the sunrise that symbolize, in every darkness there is a hope that …show more content…

It also refers to the distance of the camera to the subject while the short takes is a series of frames that runs for uninterrupted period of time. It is also an aspect where angles, transitions and cut are used to express emotions.

8. Analyse the use of music in the movie. Did it enhance the story that the filmmakers were trying to tell? How would you have used music in this movie?

• Yes it enhance, the music of the movie enhance the story especially in the part where savannah and john make love. It makes the movie so dramatic than being romantic because of the music, you will feel the sadness of savannah.

9. Analyse the use of sound other than music in the movie. Did it enhance the story that the filmmakers were trying to tell? What sounds, other than music, would you have used to tell the story told by this movie?
• Yes it enhance, the sound in the movie enhance the story, the sound is sad and the sound of the beating heart especially in the part where savannah wrote a letter for john that saying sorry and goodbye to john.


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