
Final Essay

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Consumers obtain utilities from Social Network Services (SNS) from 3 dimensions, which are information acquisition, socializing, and it’s networking effect. First, Information acquisition could be divided into two aspects, which are information's extent and its depth. It is hard for a SNS focuses on information's extent without scarifying its depth, vice versa. Second, SNS users' relationship (interactions) is located between "extremely close relationship," for example that between family members, to "extremely far relationship," for example, that between a citizen to celebrities. This is being said that a SNS is required to find an equilibrium among these four factors in order to characterize its consumers and to target its segment market. Third, a strong networking effect is being built along with the SNS's success on its …show more content…

Real time sharing attracted a great number of people to join Twitter, but what if this unique feature is imitated by other companies, for example, the network giant, Facebook? It poses a significant threat to Twitter. In order to maintain its competitive advantages, Twitter has to keep innovating new features. In addition, on Aug. 21st, 2014, Twitter removed images and video of ISIS. Many people argue that Twitter’s censorship “is a direct violation of our principles of free speech.” In short, Twitter struggles to remain the free speech while banning terrorist content. A huge factor for twitter is their monthly active users. It is how they measure their growth. They have tried innovative ideas like redesigning their user interface to promote growth and are working on more ideas. In the end this metric is how they convince advertisers of their worth. Much of Twitters data on users has been acquired through third parties and their API connection. API data is Twitter's data, but it is not the same as Twitter's own internal data, which it reports in SEC

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