Final Essay

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In the world today, it seems that people are controlled by what is shown through all of the technology. It’s not just what’s shown on the television, it’s also what we listening to, seen on social media, and etc. Watching television seems to be an integral part of the day, because many people think it is impossible to live life without it. Everything that we see on television influences the way we think to some extent. It’s not only the shows that influences our personas it’s also the commercials that we choose to watch by ourselves or with our family. Media provides information, entertainment, and comfort, and also reflective of the standard of living of many people that invests in digital cable, in high-speed Internet connections to give …show more content…

Then one day Matt got a call from James L. Brooks and he wanted Matt to do some animation for the Tracy Ullman show. Matt was originally going to use the characters from Life in Hell, but at the last minute he changed his mind and came up with a name on the spot: The Simpsons. He named them after his only father: Matt's father is called Homer, and his mother is called Margaret (he thought Marge was a funnier name). He also has two sisters called Lisa and Maggie. He called the main character Bart, because it is an anagram of 'brat'. The Simpsons in the 90's was a cultural phenomenon. Everybody said that Homer Simpson was ranked as the most influential "person" in the world. Pretty much everybody liked the show. Shows like Family Guy, while good, couldn’t compare to the impact that The Simpsons had made on viewers. Rushkoff stated that “The Simpsons are the closest thing in America to a national media literacy program. By pretending to be a kids' cartoon, the show gets away with murder - that is, the virtual murder of our most coercive media iconography and techniques. For what began as an entertaining interstitial material for an alternative network variety show has revealed itself, in the 21st Century, as nothing short of a media revolution.” The Simpsons has been on our screens for more than 20 years, and still remains one of the best programs on