Final Essay

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Catalog name, rationale The catalog name will be “Powering the Future” to reflect the General Electric Power segment and playing off of one of our current business taglines for this branch. Our website will be to direct our B2B consumers from the GE Power website directly to the catalog.
While General Electric covers a vast amount of industries, we will be focusing on developing a new catalog for the GE Power segment. “GE Power provides a broad array of power generation, energy delivery, and water process technologies to solve your challenges locally. Headquartered in Schenectady, New York, GE Power is GE’s largest industrial business, with more than $27 billion in revenue in 2014 and approximately 38,000 …show more content…

According to GE CMO Beth Comstock, “GE’s culture ensures that technological innovation (the historical backbone of GE) and commercial innovation (managing with deep consideration of the customer’s needs and wants) are inextricably entwined,” (Moorman, 2013). While GE remains a leading innovation company, they have adjusted their marketing strategies to build better consumer brand relationships. “Following the 2008 financial crisis, senior leadership recognized the importance of improving the “stickiness” of GE’s relationships with customers. The strategy was to make GE’s value to the client so great that customers would not be able to afford not to work with the company,” (Moorman, 2013). The company is striving to communicate their value while also learning more about their target consumers. GE utilizes, “the Differential Value Proposition (DVP) System which combines software, data, and processes to foster conversations between the business and their clients,” (Moorman, 2013). As well as collecting consumer data, GE starts thought-provoking conversations with consumers to gain insights. The brand asks questions such as, “If you had $1M of GE’s money, how would you spend it to best impact your business? These conversations produce an assessment of the monetary value that GE brings clients over GE’s closest competitor. From there, the GE and …show more content…

Target companies will have anywhere from 100- plus employees and will view GE as a viable business partner. Our catalog will offer invaluable parts that act as an extension to their current services. Our target consumer is most likely the director, lead contractor or manager over a power, energy or water company or firm and is very busy on the job. By providing specific and targeted catalog information, GE will offer the target consumer precisely the information they need to make essential product purchases to help their business

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