Final Essay

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The technological evolutions over the last two decades have changed the way that we compute and use technology daily. From transportation to social media and beyond, technology has evolved into a tool that has made our lives easier. As technology continues to evolve, IT Professionals and general users would argue that at times is hard to keep up with all of the new developments. One of the latest technological developments that have transformed the way we operate computers is cloud computing. Cloud technologies have proven to be versatile, easy to use, and cost-effective for organizations and individuals. Organizations alike have explored migrating their existing infrastructure and implementing new services in the cloud. This technology can be utilized for various tasks. …show more content…

The implementation of technological innovations such as cloud computing has changed the way that society interacts with technology. As cloud technologies continue to advance, organizations are implementing new services to conserve money, free up resources, and increase efficiency. By reducing the number of servers operating in a data center, IT organizations are able to save in cooling and equipment costs. Saxena & Chourey (2014) suggested that cloud technologies were developed from scratch because it was considered a disruptive technology. Cloud computing evolved from distributed computing, virtualization technology, utility computing and other technologies (Saxena & Chourey, 2014). The benefits of cloud computing include easy access to information, shared resources and usability. To access resources provided by cloud service providers, users connect to a virtual computing environment, which allows them to make changes to files and other resources. The cloud is also described as a model which enables convenient, ubiquitous, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released based on utilization (Saxena

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