Final Essay

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People use internet in different ways, from buying and selling products online, studying online courses, sending emails, storing files, and many more. Some of these activities are inherent in social networking websites that also paves way to their popularity. This is evident nowadays since we can observe social network sharing buttons on the websites that we usually visit. There are seven ways that a social networking service (SNS) can be commonly used by an individual, namely conversations, sharing, groups, online presence, relatioships, identity, and reputation \parencite{kietzmann2011social}. These activities continue to attract people to use these social networking services and as a result, there are about 1.96 billion users worldwide in 2015 who are engaged with SNS \parencite{statista2015}. …show more content…

One contributing factor to the high number of usage is the rapid technological innovation. Social networking services are now accessible through smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices \parencite{yakushev2014social}. Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin are the leading social network websites which all belong to the top 20 most visited websites \parencite{alexarank}. Furthermore, Twitter have 320 million active users per month wherein 80 \% of them are connected through mobile devices \parencite{Twitter2015}. Businesses are interested to understand the social network user behaviour however, with the growth in number of social network users \parencite{avanzo2015}., it has become difficult to understand their

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