Final Evaluation Report: Improving Program Improvement And Decision Making

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A final evaluation report is required to forward information from the evaluation to program staff, stakeholders and financiers to support program improvement and decision making. The evaluation report is only a communication method for transmitting evaluation results. However, it is sensible to have a transparent document with information about stakeholders, the program, the evaluation design, the activities, the results and the recommendations. Such information can be used to facilitate support for continued or improved program funding, raising awareness and showing success and promoting sustainability. Each evaluation is conducted in a complex and dynamic environment of policies, budgets, timeframes, competitive priorities and agendas. The communication and reporting of the evaluation results are governed by the same complexities. Working with stakeholders to develop a dissemination plan from the start of the evaluation will enable a more favourable environment to communicate evaluation results in a way that promotes program improvement and decision making. Our final evaluation report on stakeholder communication focused on application and practice of evaluation standards throughout the process. This increased transparency in …show more content…

For example, at some stage some stakeholders can only be informed while other stakeholders actively participate in decision making and implementation. Or a particular actor may be involved in the prioritization in one phase and informed at another stage. The level of participation of each stakeholder in each step will depend on the desired level of participation depending on the stakeholder's influence and / or importance in terms of long-term intervention and sustainability. The same rule was followed by us as well during the

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