Finding A Joy In Overcoming Obstacles Essay

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In William Ernest Henley's poem“Invictus” the speaker is being oppressed but doesn't give up and becomes the master of his future. In Helen Keller's speech “Finding a Joy in Overcoming Obstacles” she talks about how she has overcome personal obstacles and found a joy in doing so. In Scope Magazine’s essay “Are You A Loser?” the writer talks about real life examples of failures that ended up successful.. Each of these three texts uses a unique style to explore the theme, perseverance will lead to control of the outcome of life, no matter the obstacles. In William Ernest Henley's poem “Invictus” The author uses figurative language to develop a theme of being able to overcome any obstacles. For example, when the author is faced with many difficult challenges,”[His] head is bloody, but unbowed” The speaker can get through any obstacles, since he is faced with challenges but is not giving up. The …show more content…

For example, when the speaker refers to celebrities as past failures he says, “ Many experts agree that what successful people have in common is this:They were once horrific failures.” (p 28.) Perseverance leads to success because it says that most successful people once were terrible at what they do, but they kept trying to they succeeded in the end. This point is clearly conveyed, by using what the experts say the author is clearly arguing his point with a well respected voice, the experts. Furthermore, when the author is talking about how some celebrities got their fame and fortune he said, “ Experts say that in terms of future success, resilience can be more important that intelligence or natural talent.” (p 29.) this quote proves that Perseverance will eventually lead to success, since it was stated it was the most important. The speaker clearly states his argument that failing isn't that bad, using a well respected opinion of the

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