Finding Meaning In Daphne Du Maurier's 'The Birds'

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To concern further with the needs and wishes of others than one’s own. Daphne du Maurier talks about the importance of love for others because people would be empty, alone and worthless inside with love. In life, people should consider to put someone first before themselves. Love is strongest bond to have with someone, it would take much more than love to sacrifice for someone willing to give up everything. Without love, fear would take place. Fear is the enemy of love and fear comes with feeling alone, worthless, and empty inside. Nat, the main character, showed no signs of fear instead he loves his children so much to the point where he would risk his life for them without a doubt. In “The Birds”, Daphne du Maurier uses point of view to show the importance of putting others before ourselves. …show more content…

It seems that awful people should just focus on themselves and not worry about other people in this world, however, Maurier wants everybody to treat others how others would like to be treated. In the short story, Nat tries to do anything to help his family from danger. He writes “boarding the windows of bedrooms, filling up the chimney bases” (Maurier 6). These lines are mean he is protecting his family from these birds by creating a safe environment. Back then, protecting somebody else was unaccepted but now humans have work together in order to survive. When someone puts themselves before others, it takes more than selflessness, but it takes courage to be brave enough. Also a person cannot have fear as it could lead to danger later