Finding The Liar In All Of Us By Robert Feldman

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You are a Liar and so am I In an NPR audio interview, “Finding the Liar in All of Us,” psychology professor Robert Feldman explains what a lie is and how we all lie (Feldman.) Feldman who has studied lying for over twenty years, is the associate dean at the University of Massachusetts. What is a lie? A lie is when a statement is made that was said that is knowingly untrue. In his interview, host Neal Conan asks his audience, “When was the last time somebody told you a lie? (272) Feldman claims because of the use of lies as social lubrication that these lies have become part of our everyday social interactions. There are many reasons people lie, mainly to minimize their fault. An example of this is, I was late to work because my alarm didn't go off. Even though the adult knows it’s their responsibility to be on time, they still try to blame it on their alarm clock. …show more content…

For instance, my child Joe, at the age of three, lied by telling me he saw our dog fill a bucket of play sand and dump it in our vegetable garden. Because of his apprehension of punishment (time out) he told his first lie. Another lie is when couples are unfaithful and don’t tell their significant other that they are having extramarital relations. The act itself is a lie for it is omitting the truth and letting someone believe that you are being honest with

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