Theme Of Truth In Hamlet

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Adlai E. Stevenson stated “...the truth is often unpopular”. The truth often hurts an individual. Many pieces of literature exemplifies this such Hamlet and Othello By: William Shakespeare. The protagonist Hamlet encountered many devastating truth. Hamlet reaction to finding the truth brought overpowering emotions towards himself. To tame his emotions Hamlet seeked revenge. Othello was a person was a gullible person who instantly believed people. The antagonist Iago used this to his advantage and told him countless lies for his own interest. Upon Othello finding the truth was simply; overwhelming.
Hamlet is portrayed as a dynamic character in the dramatic piece Hamlet By: William Shakespeare facing the devastating truth. The play consist of …show more content…

Upon Hamlet finding this brings him to think how incestous and betraying such action are. The truth mortifies Hamlet to view those around him differently. Hamlet attire and personality changed dramastically by finding out the truth. The character of Hamlet experienced events who he himself cannot control. Although after losing his father King Hamlet his whole perspective changed. Out of the conflict Hamlet was fueled with the power of hatred and revenge. Hamlet tries to control the events occurring in his life. The character Hamlet became engulfed in the sole purpose to deter those who came across his path foreshadowing the death of Claudius. Hamlet dwelled his hatred with wanting the demonize of his uncle Claudius. The truth has the power to change an …show more content…

Iago twist and takes advantage of characters throughout the play. The play demonstrates countless of verbal, dramatic, and situational irony. Through those irony Iago shows his skills of scheming going hand and hand with fate. Iago brilliantly chooses action to his benefits. When Desdemona's handkerchief falls foreshadows problems in the near future. Emilia obtains this handkerchief Iago instantly pursues Emilia in her weakness for him. As the play develop Othello discovers the truth from Emilia his wife Desdemona never betrayed him. Bringing Othello to be emotionally unstable. The truth made Othello to seek a solution to his emotional overbearing state of