Finding Winnie The World's Most Famous Bear Summary

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Finding Winnie, The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear, is a wonderful story, that happens to be true! The book begins with a bed-time story to Cole, the great-great-grandson, of Captain Harry Colebourn. Lindsay, Cole’s mother narrates the story. Winnie, is actually a girl bear in real life. She was a pet and dear friend of, Harry Colebourn. Colebourn, was a young veterinarian soldier. He bought Winnie for twenty dollars, at a train station, just before setting off for war. Winnie was named after Winnipeg, a place in Canada, where Colebourn grew-up. Colebourn, trained Winnie and she became a mascot for the fellow soldiers. Colebourn received a transfer order, to France, during the war and gave Winnie to the London Zoo. He knew she would