Finskogen Research Paper

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Finnskogen is the name of a big forest stretching across the border of Norway and Sweden and it's also the home of several haunting stories. The place got its name from the finnish immigrants who settled there in the 1500 and 1600 century. The cross on Röjden In Norway there is a place in Hedmark right across the Swedish border near Svullrya in Finnskogen, where there is a cross on the ground where it doesn't grow anything in. It keeps amazing people even to this day. The grass growing there only grows around the cross and not in it. The cross appeared more than 150 years ago, having appeared before 1850. Around the cross is a fence and on a note it's written that it was fenced in 1962. It's said that people have tried to fill the mark of …show more content…

The first theory is that finnish witches once placed a curse upon the place. The second theory is that it has been a sacrificial offering place. Some also say that ancestors summoned obscure energies into the ground. Another myth tells about the corpse draggers. They would leave the dead on this place to avoid carrying a heavy coffin to the churchyard. Once they arrived on the graveyard the coffin would be filled with stones so no one would notice anything. The cross would then mean it's a resting place for the ones who never got a proper funeral. …show more content…

He lived with a blind lady and a woman who tended the house. Every Good Friday the blind lady would make the other lady walk around the barn three times clockwise and pray "Our Father." Whenever they had visitors, the guy would always put his finger in the coffee, otherwise things would take a bad turn. Despite all this though, things went horribly wrong. The only thing left of what was once a house is the foundation rocks. It was so haunted that the whole place was torn down. Things flew and crashed into the walls and the poor priest who tried to bless the house got a coffee pot thrown in his head and the Bible thrown straight out of his hands. Even the chimney stacks flew over the barn roof. This happened in 1901 on the farm Välgunaho. It started with things like porcelain being thrown across the house. Visitors got the coffe pot thrown after them several times. The coffee pot wasn't the only thing being thrown around, even a big bed came rushing and stood straight up. The scholars back in those times came by to try different ways of ending the misery for the people living there. They tried with prayers, rituals, shot solutions and incantations, but the haunting didn't cease. It didn't end before the whole place was torn down and moved. Even the cattle didn't get their peace, they were led out of the stall "as if invisible hands moved them." The

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