Firm Foundation By Garth Brooks: Song Analysis

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In my everyday life, I greatly enjoy listening to music. Music helps me calm down, get pumped up, relax, have a good time, etc. From the second I wake up to the second I go to bed, I am constantly listening to music. I don't have a specific genre that I feel more strongly about than the other, so throughout the day my music will vary a lot. Songs like Firm Foundation by Cody Carnes, Call Your Sister by Taylor Edwards, and Rodeo by Garth Brooks are detrimental to my life so if a movie were made about me they would have to be on the soundtrack. The song Firm Foundation by Cody Carnes is a song that would be on my soundtrack if a movie was about me. Over the summer I went to a rodeo bible camp which was a week-long stay at the Sonoita Fair rodeo …show more content…

person. The. As I was standing and singing, I heard this song, which I had never heard before. The song is about trusting the Lord and reassuring that He will not fail. They use the words “Christ is my firm foundation,” because if you build a life through the Lord and trust in him, everything will be fine. This song has tremendously impacted my life, so it would have to be on my soundtrack since this sound has allowed me to simply trust in the Lord. This song means the world to me because it has allowed me to have a much more peaceful and fulfilling life. One of the biggest parts of my life encompasses my sisters- mainly my older sister. We were born about nine years apart, but that never stopped us from being the best of friends. We were always together, always talking, if you saw her you saw me and I thought that would never happen. Of course, the harsh reality is change is bound to happen, all you can do is accept it. Alexis moved out of the house. It felt as though the world as I knew it was crumbling to pieces. This song talks about growing older, but being able to have peace of mind that your sister is always a phone call

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