First Impressions Of Winston In 1984 By George Orwell

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In the book “1984’” Winston is the main character in the story. Winston is different from the people that live in Oceania as he isn’t as strong follower of the Party, like his fellow citizen. Winston lives in Victory Mansion by himself and is told to be 39 years old during the story, also is said to have a varicose ulcer that limits what he can do, such as how he had to rest when walking up the stair to his apartment. Winston is also a low ranking citizen much like the majority of Oceania citizens and he works at the Ministry of Truth. Winston is a conflicted person, as he wants to follow the Party to keep himself safe but is writing “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” on the other hand. He is also shown to be defiant against the party, as he gets a diary and writes in it, which could get him killed if the Thought Police finds out that he did write in diary. He also shows that he is defiant by moving his television where he could stay hidden from the television view if he is quiet as he said “By sitting in the alcove, and keeping well back, Winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, so far as sight went. He could be heard, of course, but so long as he stayed in his present …show more content…

Parsons works with Winston at the Ministry of Truth and is a definition of a good citizen towards the Party. Mr. Parsons is said to be a devoted follower of the Party and Big Brother, which the Party wants to see from everybody. Winston describes Mr. Parsons as being a “fattish but active man” that isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. One of the traits that Mr. Parsons possesses is the loyalty to the Party, as he listens to what the Party says by heart. Mr. Parsons also is an active person as “he was a leading figure on the Sports Committee and all the other committees engaged in organizing community hikes, spontaneous demonstrations, savings campaigns, and voluntary activities generally.” His motives and behavior is meant to be a faithful person towards the Party and Big