Fisherman And The Jinnee Analysis

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Between a movie released in 1992 and a book written about the tales during the Islamic Golden Age there are many comparisons and differences in both. Aladdin of course, being a movie has many of the basic rules of the Muslim faith as does the story “The Fisherman and the Jinnee” from the One Thousand and One Nights book. While you watch Aladdin after reading “The Fisherman and the Jinnee” you notice a lot of comparisons and can make the connection to the Muslim religion as well as to some day-to-day things you do in life. As you are watching Aladdin you also see some big differences between the two stories. While the story “The Fisherman and the Jinnee” and Aladdin may be centuries apart, there are many things in common as well as some differences. For the differences in Aladdin there are many that you can point out right away. Of course for all those that have seen Aladdin know that he really likes this girl, but he knows he will never get to be with her because she is a princess but he is not a prince. …show more content…

Trickery plays a big part in both of the stories, as in “The Fisherman and the Jinnee”, the fisherman tricks the jinnee to go back into the lamp as well as when Duban the doctor tells the king he will give him a book with his magic but it’s actually just a book with poisoned pages. In Aladdin Jafar tricks the king into telling his daughter that she is to marry Jafar. In both stories the viziers become jealous and persuade the king that they should do something that they never really thought of doing. The vizier persuades the king in “The Fisherman and the Jinnee” to kill Duban the doctor, because the vizier feels like he is being treated unfairly, and blames Duban. In Aladdin the vizier, Jafar, is jealous because he knows that the “prince” is Aladdin and Jafar wants the