Five B's Of Sports Ministry

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This chapter is about the evangelistic feature of sports ministry. This chapter really hit on having people who have been in the world or secularized to help with planning and things of that nature. How can one expect to reach the lost if they do not know what attracts the lost or do not know what they go through? I believe many people or ministries attempt to reach non-church goes byways that only attract churchgoers and that is a major flaw. We are called not to be of the world, but that does not mean that we are not in the world. This means that we must be able to relate to those in the world. The book presents a way that anyone can be characterized in, which is people can be churched, never-churched, de-churched, or other churched. There are many stereotypes of secularized people and that has to do with these myths: Secularized people have no spiritual hunger, no significant beliefs, or a sense of …show more content…

These five B’s are: belonging, believing, baptizing, behaving, and becoming. The first step is belonging, everyone has a longing to belong somewhere or to be wanted by someone, so the church or ministry needs to provide a place where they feel loved and like they belong. Next is believing, this is the step that is highly achieved through those are unchurched and feel as if they believe in a local church. Next is baptizing, once a person truly believes in the Gospel that then prompts the need for baptism. This is not due to any religion, but we do this out of obedience to Christ and as Christ did it we should also emulate Him and participate in it also. The following step is to behave, this shows that the person has truly changed. Not only has Christ changed the person from the inside, but He has also transformed them on the outside as well. The last and final step is to become, this step shows that we are becoming more and more like Christ in every step that we

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