Five Equation That Changed The World Chapter Summary

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State the book's thesis. Five equation that changed the world book consists the discovery of five remarkable equations from 17th-20th centuries by five notable scientists and their outcomes till 20th century. This book is divided into five chapters. The Introduction of each chapter begins with some dramatic incident in the main character's life which helps to set the quality for what is to follow. Then come three parts, which author state as Veni, Vidi, and Vici. These are Latin words means "I came, I saw, I conquered. In Veni author explain how the main character the scientist-comes to his enigmatic topic. Vidi describes factually how that topic came to appear so mysterious. Vici clarifies how the scientist was able to defeat that mystery, …show more content…

He remembered he had done a calculation on why moon did not fallen on to the earth like apple from high tree. He figured out that moon didn’t fall because of the earth’s gravitational force opposed by the moon own’s centrifugal force. (Guillen, 1995, p.45) By considering those thoughts Newton had come upon to a great equation by replacing his formula’s T2 with Kepler’s mathematical equivalent called constant x d3. (Guillen, 1995, p.47) The original equation was expressed with idea that earth’s gravity was a one-sided force, that’s why the equation contained only the mass of the object that attracted to the earth. The equation needed a clear position to the mass of the earth that attracted to the object. Therefore, Newton added an M to represent the earth’s mass. (Guillen, 1995, …show more content…

The math history themes that appeared in this book are proof, abstraction, and summary. The author of this book inscribes the repeated observations of five scientists and shows how logically the scientists proved their observations. After proving scientists applied mathematical abstraction to reach the final equations. Once the equations were developed the author describes how they were used in different fields. In the end the summary of equations describes how with the application of these the world has changed forever. Which of the controversies in math history appear? Does the author take a position? Explain. I found one controversy of Daniel Bernoulli with his father who in jealousy took his son work and published in his own book. Due to that Daniel Bernoulli decided to quite mathematics. The author describes how Daniel Bernoulli feelings were hurt and his dream of becoming Isaac Newton was vanished by his father. How he reacts when he comes to know his ten years work and his equation on fluid-flow was credited to his

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