Five Reasons Why People Code-Switching

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The Effects of Code-Switching Code-switching could generate ingenuity without even realizing. Most People who code-switch tend to exert their intellect, learning more than those who aren’t able to use code switching. In the book Losing My cool, there are diverse occasions where we find that Thomas uses code-switching. Despite the fact that code-switching is complex to perform, people usually implement it naturally without intent. While Thomas was around people who used the hip-hop culture to promote violence, he is critically thinking about the dilemma that this culture could lead. However, code-switching was confusing Thomas about his real identity. On the other hand, Thomas’s father is trying to help him to take back control of his own identity. …show more content…

When people switch from two types of languages or dialects often, it is common using code-switching without any consent. For example, in the article Five Reasons Why People Code-Switch, the author, Matt Thompson states, “folks would slip into a different language or accent without even realizing it or intending to do it”. This means individuals with code-switching interactions, commonly use their other language or dialect to express with different people with no intent to code-switch. In the same way, Thomas operates his own code-switching techniques to broaden the possibilities to fit in with the other black kids. Nevertheless, Thomas also uses his code-switching techniques to intimidate other kids in his …show more content…

Although, Thomas’s father had numerous concerns about him, he never stopped thinking about the future Thomas was molding for himself, so he tried to give him advices to impact his way of thinking. An illustration of the advices of his father is in the book Losing My Cool, where his father explains, “son, always do your best, but remember that I really don’t care if we ever have another black athlete or entertainer”(Williams, 39). In other words, the idea that his father is trying to give Thomas, is that he always has to try to his best, but he should focus on something that would impact his future positively. Although, Thomas is seeking for the essential message from each advice, he was comprehending what could construct a better future for