
Flame Color Red Lab Report

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The purpose of this lab was to determine the chemical properties of different metals by observing the color of the flame when it was burned. The dependent variable was the color of the flame and the independent variable was the metal. Thus, the controls were the chlorine (Cl), bunsen burner, deionized water, and cotton swabs used to dip into samples of the metals. Because the bunsen burner was used, goggles were worn and loose clothing or hair was tied back prior to beginning the lab. The first step was to obtain deionized water and 7 q-tips for the 7 metals being examined (Ca, Ba, Cu, Sr, K, Li, Na, and Mg). Then, the bunsen burner was lit to a hot blue flame. Next, a cotton swab was dipped into water and a sample of CaCl2. The swab was placed

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