It might seem like “Great Lakes Ghost Ship” and “Fly Away Home” are different kinds of stories. One is a long book about kids that are in a ghost ship. The other story is a short story about a homeless kid. But if you look deeper into both stories, you will see that both stories share a common theme. In both stories, the author teaches that you shouldn’t give up hope.
In “Great Lakes Ghost Ship,” never giving up hope is the theme of the story. For example, in the story the kids have to hide from the zombie soldiers. At the beginning of the story the kids get trapped in the ghost ship. They have to find a way out. In the middle of the story they try to get out, but in the process of doing so, that they get caught by the zombie soldiers.
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In the story when Andrew and his dad have to switch places where they sleep so they don’t get caught. Later in the story he and his dad see a bird get out of the airport. This gives him hope to get out. The bird had been stuck there for awhile and it shows, in time anyone, or anything can get out. At the end of the story, Andrew and his dad try their hardest to make money to afford an apartment. It shows this when andrew’s dad has to work a low paying job as a janitor. One other example, is when Andrew helps people with their bags to get tips from them. These are some reasons why Andrew and his dad in the story “Fly Away Home” are showing hope.
Both stories show signs of hope. These stories also have differences. One difference is in “Great Lakes Ghost Ship” because, it ends with a happy ending and they find out that it isn’t really a real haunted ship. The second reason, they are different is in the story “Fly Away Home” because it never fully states that the story end with a happy ending and that everything’s good. This shows that the stories “Great Lakes Ghost Ship” and “Fly Away Home” have differences. Never giving up can eventually pay off and reward you in the future. This is a lesson we could all