Food Bank History Essay

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History: How the business evolved In Cardiff City, We have seen people search for food and not being able to have food on daily basis. This drew our attention towards this major issue of having a food bank. There have been many people using food banks to help the homeless and the hungry; this is such a rewarding work to do for the mankind as the homeless people have the benefits which keep them alive. Although many people have used food banks in the past, they haven’t exactly provided a place for the homeless to stay which is why ROOF would benefit from this and make sure that these homeless people, not only have a place to stay but will also be provided with foods and sanitations for them. We & Social Media • V Family is associated with all updated social media sources to promote …show more content…

Legal Formulation and its structure V Family Cardiff is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland (Company Number SC165006) with its registered office is at Roath. We utilize the profits and assets for the public wellfare. It has a separate legal identity to its members as a limited liability company. In formation of the company, it is mandatory to complete the Incorporation application, and to form a “community interest statement. A Memorandum & Articles of Association advises and provide information to the members about how and what business models the organisation will be followed. It must clear a Community Interest Test, to analysis whether a reasonable person could consider its activities for the benefit of the community. The Articles of Association governed the relationship between the members and the company, it contains certain provisions, including a statutory Asset Lock, which is written into the constitution of an organisation, , preventing the assets of the organisation to be used other than to further the objectives of the organisation. Organization Internal

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