For The Love Of Candy Book Report

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For the Love of Candy

By Taylor Sempf

For Sam, Emma, Adriana,and Jorden, for always being my friends

Sempf,Taylor. For the Love of Candy. Michigan:The Quartet Publishing Inc.,2016.
Once upon a time, in the small town of Bakersville, there lived two friends, Nedroj and Rolyat. They loved candy, any candy would do, chocolate, jelly beans, suckers, and even jawbreakers. …show more content…

Rolyat and Nedroj were at the park playing on the swings when their stomachs starting hurting.”My tummy hurts, Rolyat.” “I don’t feel good too,” cried Rolyat.

Right when they got home they told their moms about their tummyache. “Well it looks like you both need to take a trip to Dr. Bissett-James,” said Rolyat’s mom. Nedroj and Rolyat were both frightened by the news. Of course, they did not want to go, but were forced by their moms. Upon arriving at the doctor’s office both girls were thinking of the doctor that would eat them! Why would their moms take them there? When they walked into the waiting room, they were nervous. What was going to happen to them? “We are ready to see Nedroj and Rolyat, now,” said a nurse.

Nedroj and Rolyat gripped each other 's hands for dear life. When they walked into the room they saw devices that looked like they were used to torture people!

They sat down in a chair and awaited the torture that was about to come.After five minutes of anticipation, Dr. Bissett-James finally showed