Forensic Criminology Career Paper

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This paper is assigned from my Family and Consumer Science teacher, Mrs.Nitri.Who has been most recently educating the class on Jobs. In this assignment, i am to be writing and/or listing my top 5 careers. Unfortunately, I already have a idea on what job i am going to accomplish. I have no need to list 5 as is instructed on the instructional paper given. I want to be a forensic Scientest.To be a little more precise, I want to be a Criminologist. Picking more than 1 or 2 jobs would be a not so smart choice. I figure that the more options i am presented with, the least likely i am to pick the correct one. My correct answer is becoming a Criminologist. The paper that was given to the class in order to determine our jobs didn't work very well …show more content…

Forensic criminology is the scientific study of crime. Professionals in this field identify and predict psychological, sociological, and economic characteristics that may lead people to commit crimes. The people who have this job, go to crime scenes and find evidence that helps them predict the economic characteristics. When a crime is committed, There is evidence left behind on the scene of the crime or “Crime Scene”. As a person in this field of work it is your job to find this evidence and match it up like a big puzzle to get the whole …show more content…

In May 2014, sociologists, such as criminologists, earned an average annual salary of $78,810. Today in 2017 the average salary is placed at 40,000 to 70,000. This is quite well for a salary if i do say so myself! Criminologists, are responsible for collecting and analyzing the data. The scientists go directly to the crime scene and collect the data. They are in charge of who gets the data and where it is stored. Ifit is misplaced, or broken, the blame falls onto the person who was directed to hold it. By misplacing or erasing data, you might have to go to court. Getting rid of evidence may make it seem as if you don't want anyone to know who commited the crime. And that makes you look very guilty. On top of the following listed punishments it is highly likely for you to get fired from your