Forensic Psychology Career Research Paper

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I have always enjoyed solving mysteries and puzzles. I was also inspired by the television show “Criminal Minds”, which gave me a televised perception of what a career in law might be like. However, dedicating your life to forensic psychology is not at all like how it is portrayed in television shows. It is grueling, demanding, and mentally draining. Nonetheless it is an important and rewarding job. Forensic psychology has began to rise as a important method used by investigative and law enforcement agencies across the nation. The pathway to becoming a forensic psychologist is extensive. The starting point is the same for anyone interested in this field: obtain a bachelor’s degree. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree at Loyola University took 4 …show more content…

When I was first hired to work in the police department, my starting salary was substantially low. It almost seemed as if the rigorous process I went through was not worth it. My starting salary was around $64,140. However, after joining the FBI as a senior scientist and forensic psychologist, my salary sparked up to approximately $135,790. The fact that I work in Chicago also raises my salary. Living in areas with high crime rates boosts your salary. Also, depending in what area you work in determines the amount of benefits you will receive. Since I work for the FBI, I receive all the same benefits of federal government employees, such as paid vacations and health insurance. Additionally, forensic psychology has become to rise and has a projected growth rate of 12%, so it is a good career to get into because more job positions are opening up (“Forensic Psychologist Career and Salary Information.”). Despite earning a good income, the most rewarding part of the job at the end of the day is being able to help people. Helping others improve their lives is the most rewarding aspect of this …show more content…

Extensive hours are required pre and post the job. However, this job provides one with a more than comfortable salary and a fulfilling purpose. One is able to receive the satisfaction of helping people everyday. After doing research on this career, I have become more interested in it. Forensic psychology is a fascinating career. It combines both law and psychology which are two subjects that I am equally interested in. One of the aspects I found most appealing is that there is no “typical” day on the job. Having this job would keep me on my toes and always offer new experiences and

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