Forensic Science Career Research Paper

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When I graduate college and move onto a career, I would like that career to be in forensic science. I have always been fascinated with criminal justice and the process that goes into solving a crime. I realized that forensic scientists have a lot to do with solving major crimes, and I wanted to have a part in this. I think it would be very fulfilling to solve for example a murder, and put the person in jail who has caused pain and distress to family and friends of a victim. In order to solve these types of crimes, Forensic Scientists are required to take DNA samples and fingerprints to discover who the killers were. In most cases, Forensic Scientists configure who the killer may be, and bring to justice who has done the heinous crime. I would …show more content…

Most likely, I would have to take part in an internship before getting a job as a forensic scientist. I’m sure it would entitle working in a lab a lot of the time, and very long days. The responsibility that this job holds is huge since a Forensic Scientist has to test DNA and other things that are crucial in a criminal investigation. I became particularly interested in forensic science after watching a series of crime scene investigation shows and documentaries. If I were to become a forensic scientist I would love to work out on a crime scene or be able to present evidence to a court room. I understand that most likely, the job of a forensic scientist is completely glorified by television shows and I would like to discover how challenging this work field is really going to …show more content…

These fields don’t only include criminal justice such as homicides, but could include things as simple as a company being blamed for pollution in the water. In this case, a forensic scientist could test water samples and determine whether the pollution came from the company’s plant. (U.S. Bureau) After the scientists have gathered information from a crime scene, they must prepare a report to present to a courtroom and testify. They usually will have to explain their results, and their opinion of these results. A forensic scientist is supposed to tell the truth in a case, and state facts based on their evidence. However, in these court cases, it is possible for a forensic scientist to be doubted and challenged. They can be accused of everything from not preforming tests correctly to not even being correctly qualified as a forensic scientist.

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