Foreshadowing In The Book Peace Like A River

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The book peace like a river is a story of a young boy named Ruben land with breathing problems, Davy a runaway murderer, and swede, the naive little sister of Ruben and Davy. Ruben witnesses many miracles preformed by his father, Jeremiah. Through out the story Jeremiah performs miracles to protect his family from death or unfortunate situations. While reading peace like a river I noticed that many things were added into the story by the author in ways or spots that seemed random, surely it wasn't random thought, was it?

The book Peace like a river mentioned many birds through out the book. The book even starts off with swede chasing a goose, this would seem normal if you hadn't looked into it closer. The goose that swede was chasing was a snow goose …show more content…

The goose is most likely waltzer because of the way he accepts the land family and then pushes them away, and at the end he is killed almost like how Davy killed the goose that swede was chasing. 

The book peace like a river gave many clues that birds are a big motif. The names of the characters are a huge foreshadowing to the story, for example, finch. Finch is a character that is very rude and is like a bully to the land family. Some people believe that finches are signs of family and volnurability.
Finch's friend or counterpart in peace like a river is Basca. Basca in Spanish means sickness, since the two characters are very close in the story and always hang over the land family. Could this be a foreshadowing of the volnurability of the family while they look for Davy?

Through out the book peace like a river it was apparent that birds were a very important tool in giving the reader clues to the end of the story. Crows were a very significant bird used in the book. On page 43 it states that the crows are sitting on the branches and when they loose their balance they fly to another branch. This could be a representation of the characters life