
Foreshadowing In The Most Dangerous Game

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In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” author Richard Connell uses tasteful foreshadowing to expose General Zaroff as a cannibal to readers. In the exposition, Rainsford and Whitney discuss the alarming reputation of the island: “Even cannibals wouldn’t live in such a God-forsaken place”(2). Connell’s use of the term “cannibal” was bluntly displayed multiple times as a major hint to the reader, however it was still overlooked. Additionally, General Zaroff and Rainsford were uncomfortably chatting over a bowl of Borsch, a meal described as “red soup with whipped cream”(7). After a humorous statement General Zaroff smiled; “and his smile showed red lips and pointed teeth”(6). Through Zaroff’s physical traits, Connell shows the allusion
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