We have one world to live. We are reminded of this in class, and now, an article. In the world, we have caused a lot of pollution through our unintended actions. For example, we cut down forests, destroying habitats, and polluting the air. As a result, we must take care of it through ways we have not even thought of.
In the article ‘Forest Cities’: the Radical Plan to Save China From Air Pollution, architect Stefano Boeri, who built the designed the “vertical forest”, plans another design to help the air pollution in China. Boeri hopes to see China green. The Italian architect wants to create “forest cities”. These cities would have multiple buildings like the one he made in Milan, but of different sizes. These buildings will have plants on
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In this, we learned to mainly rethink. In the article, Stefano Boeri thought, at first, upwards. Now, he wants it to expand horizontally as well. In China, there is a lot of smog. Smog is mainly created through ozones in the lower atmosphere. Since China is an populous industrial country, they create a lot of carbon. These carbons and the nitrogen in the air will react to sunlight creating the photochemical smog. The smog is bad for one’s health. The polluted air can cause asthma and headaches, but through the design Boeri is working on the chemical processes that is needed will be able to keep up. Boeri plans to increase the number of plants, creating an increase in photosynthesis. Humans need this process for clean oxygen, which is dangerously low in China. With the plant life, they can use the carbon we produce, whether from cellular respiration or industrial activities. Boeri believes the vertical forests were miniscule. This may be so, but according to the article it produced 60 kg of oxygen in a day and got rid of 25 tons of carbon dioxide. As result, we, ourselves, are reminded that we can do small acts to make a big difference. For example, we can conserve our use of water and electricity. This will help the burning of fossil fuel along with having more clean water for people in