Forest Hills Drive Music Analysis

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Not only has J Cole’s “2014 Forest Hills Drive” gone platinum, but this is the first hip-hop album to go platinum with no featured artist in 25 years. “2014 Forest Hill Drive” was such a popular album, and there is a reason. J Cole produced an album that almost anyone would love. Whether someone loves the entire album, or just a song or two, there is most likely something that could appeal to anyone. I would recommend this album to anyone because it is one of my favorite albums of all time, and it is worth spending the money. J Cole’s music appeals to the mind of the listener, he raps about real life issues: more than heartbreak and love. He raps about real life experiences. He often raps about his experiences of being black and the discrimination that he has lived through. In his song, “No Role Modelz”, he says “I came fast like 911 in white neighborhoods, ain’t got no shame bout it”. He expresses that there’s a clear difference between how the justice department treats white people versus black people. In addition to creating a platinum album, J Cole spends a lot of time participating in equal rights movements. He was recently involved in the “Justice or Else” movement that was fighting for black people’s justice equality. J Cole appeals to many types of groups of people due to his wide range of music and …show more content…

“2014 Forest Hills Drive” is unlike any other album. It has a different sound, and it is not what you would typically hear about in rap songs. Many rappers talk about drugs, money, cars, and partying. J Cole talks about his life. Many people consider him “the most real rapper” because his music is so relatable. He also connects with his fans so well. Many rappers are concerned with being the best and making the most money; J Cole is concerned about pleasing his fans. “2014 Forest Hills Drives includes many songs about several different topics, all of which are about original topics that the average rap would never