Belonging to one’s self AYLI: Belonging to one’s self due to perceptions and ideas through relationships. Rosalind as one of the central protagonists in the play quotes ‘Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark horse and whip as madmen do.’ Metaphorical reference ‘love’ being a madness- Elizabethan audience laugh at the folly of lovers contributing to the humour of the plot. Context: This scene is taking place in the Forest of Arden. Rosalind is expressing her concerns about love portraying to the audience that love is a form of insanity and that lovers are crazy people. She explains that the reason people are not cured from this disease it because almost everyone is under attack by it, and usually the nurses …show more content…
Context: Takes place in The Forest Of Arden. Rosalind (Ganymede) is trying to convince Phebe not to fall in love with her. Rosalind is revealing that she is falser than the promises a man may make while he's drunk (had to much wine). Meaning: To entertain and humour the audience as they know they real truth behind 'Ganymede' and the reasoning of why Phebe cannot fall in love with her. Dramatic and/or literary techniques: Metaphor 'vows made in wine'. Demonstrates Rosalind belongs to her disguise- the false person of 'Ganymede' that she …show more content…
Flashbacks contrast between Africa and Ireland. Father/teachers yellow shirt- welcoming body language, smiling broadly to all students- contrast Ireland – teacher dressed blandly, stiff and unwelcoming body language. Camera angles and wide shot in Africa connection- including whole class- bench seats juxtaposed to mid to close up shots in Ireland- seated separately- disconnected from one another. Could also show the belonging to one’s self here too AYLI: (Orlando, Rosalind and Duke Senior) belonging through connections- emerges after being banished from Court to Forest. ‘Hath not custom made this life more sweet? Than that of painted pomp? Are these woods more free from peril than the envious court? Juxtaposition – court vs forest symbolises placed where belonging is formed. Connotation linked ‘envious’ Belonging due to connections with people AYLI: Celia talking about the relationship shared between herself and Rosalind. “Why so am I; we still have slept together, Rose at an instant, learn'd, play'd, eat together, And wheresoever we went, like Juno's swans, Still we went coupled and inseparable.” Shaped through personal context, the connection with another leading to a sense of belonging due to connections with